The Initial Development Proposals

Site Location



The site is situated to the west of Wickford with existing residential development on 3 of its boundaries. 

Contributions will be made via a S106 agreement to pay for any upgrades required to local infrastructure such as schools and healthcare to ensure the development contributes. 

Site features



The above Photos shows different views within the site.


Local Character



The site is situated adjacent to plotland development areas, these have developed over time on large plots, many of these have been subdivided with infill development over time. The London Road frontage has predominantly 2 storey detached development. To the north of the site is the River Crouch.



Site Constraints



As is typical with all devleopment proposals there are a number of constraints that will need to be considered at this design phase. 

The northern part of the site is within the flood zone. The proposal will include new surface water attenuation features that will decrease significantly existing overall surface water discharge rates into the river.

There is a foul drain that crosses the site the plan is to kept it in situ. 

Access will be in the same position as the existing access to the site.

We are undergoing numerious Ecological surveys of the land to ensure that the development has minimal inpact.


layout Options



These two sketch layouts have been selected as being the most likely form we will take forward to the next stage of design. 

These layouts incorporates affordable housing and the housing mix (number of bedrooms) requirements of the local authority. This mix calls for a larger percentage of smaller family homes so there will be fewer detached and very large properties on the site. 

The main difference beween the two layouts is the position of the internal roads.

What do you Think?

We welcome  any feedback on our poroosals as we move into the detaimled design phase of preparing our planning application. Please use the link to make a comment or if you prefer plase email us directly click on the link below. 

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